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Hands on Experience

For 18 years having seen hands on all kinds of complexities in managing a large organisation's procurement activities from China , Wisam decided to use his experience to provide independent consultancy by creating CEENCO. CEENCO was created to support organisations with expertise in exploring unfamiliar problems faced when needing to deal with the Chinese market, culture and business methodologies.


Even when organisations have excellent procurement staff, they can miss opportunities without the wright in-depth experience in China. Wisam moved to China in 2006 as a General Manager for a large Saudi multinational company that is heavily involved in procuring, investing and selling in China. Working and living in China is one of the main reasons that helped him learn and appreciate the business culture which is essential to success.

Wisam saved his organisation billions of dollars in over 200 categories. Visited and Profiled more than 1000 Chinese suppliers. Led his company through thousands of supplier negotiations and agency agreements.


Before building a career in China, Wisam worked as a project manager for one of Australia's largest multinational consulting Firm.  In that positions he provided business consultation, forecasts and market entry to fortune 500 companies such as Samsung and Nokia etc. Wisam is the author of several published business country view point reports and has been interviewed by MEED and Arabian Business.


Wisam owned a Hutchison Mobile Phone dealership and a water purification company in Australia before venturing into consultancy in year 2004.


Wisam reads, writes and speaks English, Arabic and Chinese. 


Wisam received his MBA from RMIT university in Melbourne Australia in 2003, BAs and a graduate diploma of interpreting and translating. 


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